View March 9th - 13th 2010 in a larger map
Greetings reader! Have you still not had that baby? / Don’t you usually have a gin around this time? / Here’s your beef tea Derrick! (please delete as appropriate).
So when we last spoke we’d just arrived in Biarritz, one of France’s many style capitals - cue photo of us looking stylish on the beach in Biarritz...
This was just four days ago and the main thing that’s happened since then is about 1000 kilometres. Oh and Spain! We passed through it so quickly, we barely had time to find a wicker donkey for Dan! (maybe later Dan, sorry!)
On Tuesday (or was it Monday? – it’s amazing how quickly you lose track) we passed into Spain and on Thursday, into Portugal. The first thing that struck us on both occasions was the lack of, well a border really.
Now we’ve not done this sort of European trip before. We suspected we probably wouldn’t have to flash our passports as we were waved across the border. But we at least expected something vaguely resembling a border, with a little hut and barrier manned by a couple of armed policemen perhaps. And to drive passed with that ever so slight feeling of guilt, like you get when going through the ‘nothing to declare’ channel at the airport, even when you genuinely have nothing to declare – half expecting/dreading/hoping to be pulled from the queue and strip searched!
Not a sausage! Not even a sign reading ‘Welcome to Spain’ and telling us that it’s twinned with Wales, or was awarded the Country in Bloom award in 1987. Disappointing.
The second thing that struck us was the language. The only clue to us having changed countries was the shopfronts being in a different language. Now we’re obviously aware that different languages are spoken in different parts of the world, but we felt we were quite well prepared, what with David being an MFL teacher and all (that’s Modern Foreign Languages for those who don’t parlay the teaching lingo!). Sadly David’s MFL’s don’t extend to Portugese, which is quite, quite different to Spanish... we’ve discovered.
This only really presented a problem when the third thing struck us. Unfortunately, this was a stone kicked up by the car in front which shattered our windscreen when we were in the middle of nowhere! We can laugh about it now... nearly. International Rescue was very good. We were soon directed to the nearest autoglass that had the right screen in stock by the lovely Anna who was ‘somewhere in Portugal’. And with David’s other MFLs, we (or rather, he) managed to get it all sorted quite quickly.
So we arrived rather later than planned at our first stopover point in Portugal, a Baragem or reservoir near Nisa. It was dark when we stopped, but we woke the next day to temperatures of 15 degrees and a crackin’ view!!
We’d had snow the day before in Spain, so we decided to stay another night and spent Thursday relaxing (apart from Charlie who spent most of it swimming).
On Friday we drove on to Lisbon, and it’s there that we leave you again dear reader. Our plan is to hit the town tonight (Saturday), apart from Charlie who’s having an early night with a Dick Francis. We’ll then go further south at a more leisurely pace and (hopefully) enjoy some of the warmer weather.
Do keep your messages and comments coming. We love hearing your news and gossip. What news from Corrie? Has the Apprentice started again yet? Who will replace Margaret we wonder!
A couple of quick responses. Juliet wins a prize for knowing that Corsica is France’s largest island. I’m afraid your only prize is the knowledge that the sewing kit you gave us has saved us from certain drafts – in other words, a couple of the safety pins are holding together a troublesome zip on our sleeping bag! Thank you!
This is a hilarious blog! Sounds like you are having a fab time. Hope you get some sun in Portugal. Where will you head next?! Nothing happening here. At all. Aled Jones in for Sarah K. No Apprentice yet but someone told me that Myleene Klass is taking Maragert's role. Blardy Hell.
Hey, got your text message. Sounds like you are having the best time. I an keen to hear how your Saturday night out was, did you rave on down with the locals?!
I know what you mean about border control, some places I have crossed I expected a fanfare only to be disappointed by nothing! How can that be, surely this is not right and is it not a bit dangerous?!
Corrie news. Joe’s funeral was today, his daughter Tina is now blaming Gail who is still sporting that haircut. Little Simon went missing in Blackpool after his Grandad George tried to kidnap him in a fashion. Little Simon managed escape and got back to Wetherfield on his own, on the train….really! Molly is pregnant, Kevin’s baby! Rita is back sporting an orange tan and looks like she has shifted some weight. Love it! OMG whilst writing this, Gail has just been arrested!
Went to the theatre to see Calendar Girls with Hannah, David and his partner Adam, bit slow starting, loved it in the end. Linda Bellingham is amazing in it, Hannah Waterman (Pete Waterman’s daughter) who was in Eastenders, looks like a scrawny sparrow now, she was also in Calendar Girls in case you were wondering why I have been talking about her.
There has been some LCC scandal in the evening post, you should have a read of it. Its about credit union..
Nothing else to report, I am wishing the cold weather away. Send some sun over! xxxxDxxxx
Hi Guys.
Enjoying your blog v much.
I Know I recognise your chapter title 'In which' from something but can't place where?
No baby yet - various twinges but nothing occurring yet.
Seeing H & K next weekend (I think) so they should get a cuddle in for you.
Hi Tri !
Hope you've been training Charlie to read the foreign 'doggy loo' signs. I'll try and post an example from Tenerife. How is she coping with the language ?
We're just getting above sub-zero here - Spring is a month or more late. We're still recuperating from long hibernation. Starting to look up flights etc and to plan our year. Enjoy your new front window.
HI Dave,
Verena and Pauline here. Just coming back from Saltaire with the German exchange who arrived last Friday. Had a lovely day!
We love reading your blog.
Have a nice time and enjoy your trip!!!
HI Dave,
Verena and Pauline here. Just coming back from Saltaire with the German exchange who arrived last Friday. Had a lovely day!
We love reading your blog.
Have a nice time and enjoy your trip!!!
I've sussed it 'In Which' comes from a magnificent classic - Winnie the Pooh. See what I think about at stupid o'clock in the morning!
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