We had three weeks in Blighty catching up with friends and family, and an excellent weekend in London on the way out which included a fascinating tour of the Palace of Westminster (seriously - everyone should go on this tour!!)
We’ve been slowly making our way north for a couple of days, through Belgium and the Netherlands, and are now approaching Amsterdam.
Highlights so far have been cycling around Zeeland, the Thursday market at the lovely town of Middelburg where David tried a pickled fish and raw onion sandwich - nice!...
...and the Delta Project - a series of impressive sea defences on the Dutch coast.
This map shows our intended route for this trip, which will hopefully be around 5 months long.

We’ll be going at quite a pace over the next 6 weeks as we want to reach the Arctic Circle by the summer solstice on 21st June. On this date we’ll not only experience the midnight sun, but the sun won’t actually dip below the horizon. Should be fun and just a bit confusing!
First things first - we’ve a long weekend in Amsterdam and a lot of washing to do!
View Summer 2011 in a larger map
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